
Showing posts from January, 2020

**BREAKING NEWS** "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast | Are The Rumors About FLIR OTS True?!...

The Late Night Vision Show is committed to bringing you the latest and breaking news that affects the night vision and thermal industry. On this first ever “Breaking News” release we comment on the sudden and unexpected departure of FLIR from the consumer thermal rifle scope market. This came as a shock to everyone and we wanted to keep our listeners and viewers up to date with the latest “official” word from FLIR on the topic. Stay tuned to this podcast for more news on the subject and any other news that affects this industry. __________________________________________________ **** Find Night Vision/Thermal Scopes **** Find All Night Vision/Thermal Scopes and Optics Here: Call Jason at Outdoor Legacy Gear: (877) 350-1818 __________________________________________________ **** "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast **** "The First and Only Podcast Dedicated to Night Vision/Thermal Hog and Predator Hunters!" Available on Yo...

Ep. 89 | "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast | Sniper Hog Light IR Illuminator Review...

On this week’s Late Night Vision Show we report on our full field review of the Sniper Hog Light IR illuminators. Hans and Jason have been testing these illuminators on several digital night vision optics including the Sightmark Wraith HD and the Pulsar Digisight N450. Their favorite of all the Sniper IR lights are the Coyote Cannon and the 66LRX. Listen as they offer their feedback from their field review. Outdoor Legacy stocks and sells both these Sniper Hog lights, as well as all the additional color IR modules. __________________________________________________ **** Find Night Vision/Thermal Scopes **** Find the Sniper Hog Lights Here: Find All Night Vision/Thermal Scopes and Optics Here: Call Jason at Outdoor Legacy Gear: (877) 350-1818 __________________________________________________ **** "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast **** "The First and...

Ep. 88 | "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast | Does Humidity Affect Thermal?

Does humidity affect thermals? Are some weather conditions better or worse for thermal image quality? On this episode of The Late Night Vision Show, Jason and Hans answer those and more questions related to thermal image quality. Many hunters, especially in the South, wonder if a thermal scope will work well in their local conditions because of high humidity. Living in the near tropical rain forest conditions of East Texas, there is no one better to answer this question than Hans and Jason. Listen as they discuss some of the best and worst conditions for thermal optics. __________________________________________________ **** Find Night Vision/Thermal Scopes **** Find All Night Vision/Thermal Scopes and Optics Here: Call Jason at Outdoor Legacy Gear: (877) 350-1818 __________________________________________________ **** "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast **** "The First and Only Podcast Dedicated to Night Vision/Thermal Hog an...

Ep. 87 | "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast | Best Weather and Seasons For Hunting Hogs...

Are there certain weather conditions, seasons or moon phases that affect the hog movement? Hans and Jason believe there is but to what degree these factors effect hogs is always up for debate. On this episode the guys both chime in with what they’ve both experienced after many years of hunting wild hogs in Texas. __________________________________________________ **** Find Night Vision/Thermal Scopes **** Find All Night Vision/Thermal Scopes and Optics Here: Call Jason at Outdoor Legacy Gear: (877) 350-1818 __________________________________________________ **** "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast **** "The First and Only Podcast Dedicated to Night Vision/Thermal Hog and Predator Hunters!" Available on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and Everywhere Else!... Subscribe To "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast on YouTube: Find All "The Late Night Vision Show" Episodes ...

100 Best Thermal and Night Vision Hog Drops of 2019!

100 Best Thermal and Night Vision Hog Drops of 2019!  Thermal scopes featured: Pulsar Trail XP50, Pulsar Thermion XP50, Pulsar Thermion XM38, NVision Halo, NVision Halo LR, and Sightmark Wraith HD.  The best thermal and night vision hog hunting videos of 2019!  Thank you for subscribing and following along all year long... _________________________________________________    **** Find Night Vision/Thermal Scopes **** Find All Night Vision/Thermal Scopes and Optics Here: Call Jason at Outdoor Legacy Gear: (877) 350-1818 __________________________________________________ **** "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast **** "The First and Only Podcast Dedicated to Night Vision/Thermal Hog and Predator Hunters!"  Available on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and Everywhere Else!... Subscribe To "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast on YouTube: Find All "The Late Night Vision Sh...