Ep. 199 | InfiRay Outdoor Zoom ZH38 **IRAY USA REVIEW**
It's not often that we can say that an optic we review is "revolutionary" and trust us, we don't use that word lightly. But this week we will be using that word a lot as we discuss the new InfiRay Zoom ZH38 thermal monocular that is truly one of a kind. While providing a great 640 high resolution image, the Zoom offers two features that no other thermal hunting optic ever has....optical zoom and a shutterless calibration. If you're familiar with thermal optics and the lingo, you're still no probably scratching your head wondering how that's possible. If you aren't familiar with thermal optics you're probably scratching your head wondering what those two things mean. Well sit down, buckle up and check out Ep. 199 because we believe you're going to be very interested to hear about this really amazing thermal handheld. __________________________________________________ **** Find Night Vision/Thermal Scopes **** Find the InfiRay Outdoor Zoo