Ep. 99 "The Late Night Vision Show" | Pulsar Digex N450 Full Review
On Episode 99 of the podcast Hans and Jason bring a full review of the new for 2020, Pulsar Digex N450/N455 digital night vision rifle scope. This high end night vision optic is currently retailing for $1,199 and packs in a full list of features. After several weeks of using the Digex N450 in the field, Hans and Jason weigh in with their likes, dislikes and over all thoughts. Check out this review if you’re considering one of these optics and stay tuned for future episodes where we compare the Digex to other similar optics. __________________________________________________ **** Find Night Vision/Thermal Scopes **** Find the Pulsar Digex N450 Here: https://outdoorlegacygear.com/products/pulsar-digex-n450-4-16x-digital-night-vision-rifle-scope?variant=31729992466506 Find the American Defense Manufacturing QD Mount Here: https://outdoorlegacygear.com/products/american-defense-mfg-ad-recon-30mm?variant=29059342139466 Find All Night Vision/Thermal Scopes and Optics Here: http:...