Pulsar Talion XQ38 vs. XG35 | 640 Review
Full review of the Pulsar Talion XG35 with several minutes of thermal video included! Want to know is the Talion XG35 is worth the upgrade over the Talion XQ38? Hans breaks down the advantages and disadvantages of both scopes and discusses whether the 640 resolution XG is worth the extra money! Find the Pulsar Talion XG35 Here: https://outdoorlegacygear.com/products/pulsar-talion-xg35-2-16x-thermal-rifle-scope?variant=40278771499082 Find all Night Vision and Thermal Optics Here: https://outdoorlegacygear.com/ Call Hans, Ashley, or Jason at Outdoor Legacy Gear: (877) 350-1818 Email: info@outdoorlegacygear.com