AGM Seeker 384 Thermal Monocular **Review and Comparison**


First of all, go watch Ep. 331 of The Late Night Vision Show.  Jason and I give a full review and comparison of each to the AGM Seeker 384 Thermal Monocular models (TM15/TM19/TM25).  

Find Ep. 331 Here:

The AGM Seeker 384's are the replacement for the Taipan thermal monoculars and the biggest difference can be seen physically.  The battery system has been completely overhauled and now of instead the Taipan's integrated/non-removeable setup, the Seeker's now have been upgraded to a fully removable 18650 battery system.  Big improvement...Not overlooking the lower NETD rating (from <35 down to <20) and the fact that the prices have remained the same have already made the Seeker's a big winner!

Find the AGM Seeker's Here:

Here are the quick differences between the 3 Seeker models:

TM15-384: 1.5x - 12x (Non-Focusable), 384 Resolution, 12 Micron, <20 NETD

TM19-384: 2x - 16x (Focusable), 384 Resolution, 12 Micron, <20 NETD

TM25-384: 2.5x - 20x (Focusable), 384 Resolution, 12 Micron, <20 NETD

If you are interested in the AGM Seeker's and need purchasing advice please call Hans at: 877-35-1818


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