Fox In The Hen House...

Here's a preview for this week's video that will be released on Wednesday!  Had this grey fox come out about 100 yards away and was able to "lip squeak" him in to about 15, which is way too close...  I really didn't feel very confident with a shot that close so I let him run out to about 30 yards.  I dropped him with the first shot from my .223 using the Maker Overwatch Field 62 grain ammo, but that little turd jumped up and managed to run into the woods.  I found him about 10 yards inside the tree line.  Check out the video Wednesday afternoon at my HansETX YouTube Channel.  Can't wait for y'all to see it...


  1. Love the blog and the write ups.... Keep up the excellent work

    1. Thank you... I really enjoy it. Thanks for following along..

  2. Ah, I'm glad you got him. 1 less to be kill'n our Farm animals we need to make a live'n with. Nice Job my Friend, nice job...

    1. Thanks Danny.. I think the video turned out pretty good. Have a good one!


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