This Full Moon Ain't Helping Me At All...

It doesn't get much better than being out in a field in East Texas on a cool fall evening, sitting under a full moon.  Saw about a dozen deer, more rabbits than I can even remember, and a armadillo.... but no hogs!...  I read and hear stories all the time about hog hunters hunting under a full moon and having great success.  They even say that the full moon is so bright that they were able to hog hunt without needing night vision, just using their normal day time scopes.  I'm hear to tell ya... I've never had any luck hog hunting under a bright, full moon.  I've been picking up hogs on my game cameras at around 3am to 6am and that seems to be the norm around here during this moon phase.  Looking forward to the moon cycle to change and being able to get some action earlier in the evening.  Here's a game camera pic at one of my bait holes.   The big bright moon in the picture is pretty... but it would have been a lot more beautiful with a 300 lb hog in it..


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