Good Weekend of Hog Hunting...

It was a great weekend for hog hunting!  Here in Ben Wheeler, TX, Sunday brought a lot of much needed rain, and it seemed that the hogs were very active before the storms.  Ran up on a sounder of about 20 hogs under a deer feeder and was able to drop 2 hogs then headed over to another hunting spot and was able to take down a big boar hog.  The hog in the picture was a big, mean sucker.  It took 7 or 8 round to bring him down and ended up having to track him in the woods to finish him off (which always makes any hog hunter nervous).  There's nothing more dangerous then tracking an injured animal in the woods, especially a 250 pound boar!  The video is coming out this week and it turned out great!..


  1. NICE Hog you got here plus the other's to. Merry Christmas to You and Your Family too.

    1. Thanks Danny... I love all the rain that we are getting here in ETX but it makes it hard to get out and hunt..


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