"Is 640 Resolution Worth The Extra $$??"

Should I buy a 640x480 scope? Is high resolution really worth it?” This is one of the most common questions Hans and Jason hear when talking to customers about thermal optics. When asked, many night hunters and thermal dealers will give an automatic “Yes!” reply. However, others who often haven’t had a lot of experience using many different scopes, might give a quick “No, it’s not worth it!” reply. So what do Hans and Jason say? What’s their quick answer? As usual, they don’t have a quick answer because, in reality, this is a very complicated answer that depends on many different factors and variables in each person’s situation. Listen as they spend time unpacking this issue and giving their opinions based on their years of experience in the field using both high and standard resolution thermal rifle scopes.  Check out Ep. 63 of "The Late Night Vision Show"...


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