Best Under $5K Thermal Scope **2022**... "The Late Night Vision Show" Podcast Episode 239


Rolling along through our "Best of 2022" shows, this week Jason and Hans pick their favorite thermal 640 high resolution thermal rifle scopes under $5,000.  While not as crowded as some of the other categories, this has historically been a division with very tough competition and a lot of great scopes and this year is no different.  With scopes from AGM, iRay, Bering Optics, and Pulsar in the mix this year, expect to hear about some great optics that all bring a lot of features, image quality, and value to the table.  Stay tuned every week as we continue to bring you the "Best of" in all the thermal scope price ranges, as well as digital night vision and handheld thermal optics.

Find all Night Vision and Thermal Optics Here:

Call Hans or Jason if you are interested in purchasing:



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