640 Thermals ONLY!


10 Hog and Predator Hunts with 10 Different 640 Resolution Thermal Optics! 

Here's the List: 
Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Pro 
AGM Adder TS50-640 
Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF Pro XP50 
AGM Varmint TS35-640 
InfiRay Outdoor Bolt TH50C V2 
AGM Sidewinder TM35-640 
iRay Rico GH50 
Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF XG50 
InfiRay Outdoor Bolt TH50C V1 
iRay Rice Pro RH50P 

Find them all here: 

If you are interested in purchasing new Night Vision or Thermal Optic, Call Hans: 877-350-1818


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