
Showing posts from December, 2017

HansETX on Instagram...

Well...after a little foot draggin' and some rainy weather that has kept me inside and away from hog hunting, I finally had a chance to boot up the HansETX Instagram page.  You can now follow me on Instagram @hansetx.  I'm excited about sharing more pictures and videos from out in the field.  Follow me as we mix up some more Bacon Pancakes right here in East Texas.  See y'all on IG!... @hansetx on Instagram

Hoping For A Christmas Hog...

I'll be out hog hunting tonight on Christmas Eve.  Hoping to spot this group of hogs that I keep catching on camera.  Might even see Santa Claus and Rudolph flying through the sky.  I sure am hoping that he drops off a new 6.8 hog hunting rifle for me.  Merry Christmas to all of y'all and thank you for following the hunting' blog...

The Helicopter Hog...

During a very lazy night of hunting, which involved me sitting in the warm comforts of my recliner only to get up every half hour to check the field for hogs, I finally noticed a big boar hog only about 20 from the porch.  Snuck out to a picnic table that doubles for my shooting bench and took a headshot followed up by several shots.  Finally, this hog stops and starts spinning around like a 5 or 6 times, before barely making it back into the woods.  It reminded me of the shooting games at the fair that I used to play as a kid.  You know...the ones that you shoot and makes a Ding...Ding...Ding... sound. These hog are big, tough, and mean.  They don't always get Bacon Pancaked!!... Merry Christmas y'all and here's to another year of layin' down hogs for dirt naps!

Hog Huntin' Under The Sun...

Looking forward to getting out during the holidays and doing some hog hunting in the daytime!  This is my 30-30 Lever Action, which is basically just a great rifle to keep in my truck in case I run up a hog or coyote out on the property.  Just mounted this very nice OTW 3-9 x 56 mil dot scope on it and I love it!  I needed something that was tough, durable, accurate and inexpensive.  I know.... I know.... finding a good, inexpensive daytime scope is kind of like catching a unicorn but I've been nothing but pleased with this purchase.  The high power magnification made it easy to sight in and zoom in close on the target and even has red and green mil-dot illumination.  Stay tuned for pictures of daytime hogs taken with this rig!!!  Here is the link for the scope and I was able to use a promo code " inlook06 " and saved 10% .  Hope that this helps out all of you daytime hunters out there... Good luck in the fields! OTW 3-9 x 56 Mil-Dot Scope

Good Weekend of Hog Hunting...

It was a great weekend for hog hunting!  Here in Ben Wheeler, TX, Sunday brought a lot of much needed rain, and it seemed that the hogs were very active before the storms.  Ran up on a sounder of about 20 hogs under a deer feeder and was able to drop 2 hogs then headed over to another hunting spot and was able to take down a big boar hog.  The hog in the picture was a big, mean sucker.  It took 7 or 8 round to bring him down and ended up having to track him in the woods to finish him off (which always makes any hog hunter nervous).  There's nothing more dangerous then tracking an injured animal in the woods, especially a 250 pound boar!  The video is coming out this week and it turned out great!..

Bacon Pancakes... Makin' Bacon Pancakes...

New video is up!!  It's been all boars lately... Haven't seen a sow in so long that I can't remember. Bacon Pancaked the biggest Boar in the group and pretty sure that I hit one in the butt on the way out. It's like my buddy says "Sometimes when you shoot you're just hoping that a hog might run into one of your bullets".. haha!

Hog Huntin’ and Oil Pumpin’...

Over at the Camphouse huntin’ property last night and as you can see we had  a lot of company... and that’s putting it lightly.  There’s a crew of guys working 24/7 drilling, fracking, and pumping natural gas out of the ground.  Luckily, the hogs are so used to all of the noise that it doesn’t scare them off anymore.  We are getting big hogs on camera here almost every night... might try to call up a Yote or two... Good luck out there y’all..

Called In My 1st Wild Hog With An Electronic Game Caller...

So I've tried to call in hogs in the past with not much luck. I see videos and hear stories of people successfully calling in hogs all the time. So the question is...what have I been doing wrong? I decided to buy an electronic game caller a while back and I've been very successful calling in coyotes with it. I decided to try and start trying to call in hogs again, mostly because the hogs are laying really low right now and the corn isn't bringing them out like it was in the summer. So I started up the call using the baby pig distress and I almost fell over with excitement with the sight of a nice sized boar hog walking out of the woods in the direction of caller. I turned off the caller when he got closer and finally decided to take a headshot when he stopped at about 90 yards away. The first shot hurt him but he was still able to run. After hitting him with a couple more shots he finally dropped in some thick brush about 20 yards deep in the yards. I know that I need to pr...

Really Skipper?!...

Well... these aren't strays... these are my mutts.  We’ve got 150 acres for them to run around on and do whatever they want, and she..for some reason...choses to do "this" on my hog bait pile almost on a daily basis.... And it's always with her rear-end facing the camera!!!!  Everyday I say the same thing when I check the game camera for pictures.... "Really Skipper?!"...

Pulsar QD Mount Review Video...

Here is the new video for the Pulsar QD Mount.  Check it out!!...

Pulsar QD Mount...

EXCITING NEWS!!... Pulsar has a new quick-detach mount that replaces the big clunky mount that came with the original units.  This new mounts fits on all Pulsar Trails, Apexes, and Core RXQ30V's.  Also, this allows you to quickly detach and reattach your scope without losing zero, just with a quick press of a button.  No more holding up your rifle and wearing your arms out!! Now you can scan with your scope and quickly reattach it to take a shot.  Also, the new mounts are considerably smaller and lighter weight! There are rumors, but we don't know for sure, that Pulsar might be giving these away with all new Trails, Apexes, and Core RXQ30V purchases in 2018.  BUT... you can get one right now at Outdoor Legacy Gear if you already have one of these scopes.  AND...  anybody looking to purchase a new Pulsar scope can get one of the Pulsar QD Mounts free on all Trails, Apexes, and Core RXQ30V's from Outdoor Legacy Gear!! Check Out The New Pulsar QD Moun...